Is functional medicine better than conventional medicine?

Functional and integrative medicine is different and better, mainly because it focuses on health. When you report your symptoms to a conventional doctor, the doctor prescribes a medication or medical procedure to relieve your symptoms and, perhaps, eliminate the disease.

Is functional medicine better than conventional medicine?

Functional and integrative medicine is different and better, mainly because it focuses on health. When you report your symptoms to a conventional doctor, the doctor prescribes a medication or medical procedure to relieve your symptoms and, perhaps, eliminate the disease. Conventional medicine merely examines individual symptoms and assumes that they are related to various parts of the body.

functional medicine

allows you and your doctor to examine symptoms to establish the affected systems in your body.

Focusing on the root cause of an illness is much better than just relieving symptoms. Integrative medicine is a better way to promote patient well-being and health. Functional medicine works to correct problems in the organs and the rest of the body by using natural supplements whenever possible. While incorporating traditional medicine when needed, functional medicine strives to use natural ways to solve health problems.

Functional medicine seeks to address the root cause of the disease rather than just the symptom. Observe the body as a whole and how each part of the body affects the others. Conventional medicine generally focuses on treating symptoms and individual parts of the body rather than treating the whole person. Functional medicine may differ from patient to patient, but it seeks to focus on these basic principles.

More and more people are interested in functional medicine, which is gradually increasing in popularity due to a more health-conscious population. Integrative medicine addresses different aspects of a patient's life, such as the physical, mental, social, emotional and environmental influences that work together. Integrative medicine doesn't just focus on a physical health problem a patient has, but it works to correct the mind, body and spirit so that the whole body heals. Functional medicine physicians use laboratory tests that are not normally used in conventional practice, such as organic acid tests, amino acid tests, salivary hormones, food allergy tests, and nutrient evaluations to determine the source and extent of problems with the “functioning” of the body before the onset of disease or pathology.

Being left out of the reach of medications or surgery, alternative, holistic or integrative medicine covers a wide range of treatments, from special diets to the use of herbs, clinical nutrition with vitamins, etc. Functional medicine allows patients to collaborate with the doctor to develop a treatment plan that will eliminate or diminish the patient's current health problems and help prevent the development of new ones in the future. Examples of integrative medicine include detoxification therapies, medication reduction therapy, nutritional therapy (supplements, herbal medicines, naturopathic drugs), and regenerative medicine. Splendor of Youth Medical offers quality comprehensive and holistic medicine throughout the greater Dallas area.

There are some exceptions to this rule that MDs are the only ones who can prescribe medications, for example, osteopathic medicine, originally a separate and distinct system based on manual healing work, soft tissue and joint manipulation, and cranial treatments, was incorporated into conventional medicine dubbed decades ago. Integrative medicine doctors are qualified to treat obesity and other nutritional deficiencies. Because of this, functional medicine has a personalized approach for each patient, both with diagnosis and treatment. In functional medicine (where finding the root cause of the problem is essential), doctors treat patients individually.

Functional medicine also places great emphasis on lifestyle changes to address health problems, such as diet, exercise, sleep patterns, stress levels, and other aspects of life. This approach, then, of using medications and surgery can only be performed, of course, by conventional physicians trained in medical schools that grant MD degrees. .

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